
We provide services of DUMMY GUNS & Special Effects (SFX) to Movies, Stage Shows, Events & More…

   Body Bullet Hits [Squib/Body Effect], Body Fire, Canon, Chita Fire, Cutting Pipe Fire, Dummy Injection, Glass Break, Ground Effect, Guns, Head Effect, Knife, Mud Blast [Amber Blast], Petrol Blast, Rainfall, Water Blast, Spark Effect with Wireless System and all kind of Special Effect for Movies Sequences…

   Aerial Fireworks, Bubble Effect, Co2 Bazooka, Co2 Gun, Co2 Jet, Cold Niagara, Cold Pyro, Colour Smoke, Confetti Blower, Confetti Canon [Air Confetti], Dry Ice, Fireball, Hand Confetti, Hanging [Harnish], Hydraulic, Lettering Fireworks, LPG Mashaal, Smoke Fog, Snow Fall, Stadium Blaster, Stadium Shot, Stage Flame, Tupp Confetti, Turn Table and Many more…

     To See the detail about particular Service click on it or scroll down to see all in detail…

Confetti Cannon (Air Confetti)
Aerial Fireworks
Mud Blast (Amber Blast)
Dummy Guns for Shooting
Dummy Knife for Shooting

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